
Miss Kelly

Class Teacher

Mrs Wakelen

Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Year 6   
Our Learning Term 3 and4
Our main topic for term2 will be focussing on the enquiry question 'Why does population change?'

We will answer the following questions throughout the topic:

How is the global population change?

What are birth and death rates?

Why do people migrate?

How is climate change impacting the population?

How is population impacting our environment?

Our main topic for term 4 will be focussing on the enquiry question 'How did the Irish Famine impact migration?'
We will answer the following questions throughout the topic:

What was life like in the Ireland, the USA and Canada in the 1840/50s?

Would you have travelled to the USA or Canada during the Irish Famine?

How did population change in Ireland, the USA and Canada during the Irish Famine?

How did life change for the Irish famine generation?



In Science, in terms 3 and 4 we will be learning about 'Animals including humans'.
We will focus on the following objectives:

To identify and name the main parts of the human circulatory system, and describe the functions of the heart, blood vessels and blood.

To recognise the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way their bodies function.

To describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.



Key Information 
Monday - Miss Kelly
Wednesday  - Mrs Sinclair 
Term 1 - Football (Miss Kelly) and Athletics (Mrs Sinclair)
Term 2 - Hockey (Miss Kelly) and Tag rugby (Mrs Sinclair)
Term 3 - Gymnastics (Miss Kelly) and Netball (Mrs Sinclair)
Term 4 - Dance (Miss Kelly) and OAA (Mrs Sinclair)
Term 5 - Tennis (Miss Kelly) and Rounders (Mrs Sinclair)
Term 6 - Athletics (Miss Kelly) and Cricket (Mrs Sinclair)
Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in a suitable PE kit on these days.  The children will be outside in all weathers. Long hair must be tied up and earrings to be taped or removed, along with removing any jewellery or watches. If earrings are removed, please ensure that your child has a small pot or safe place to keep them in.
On Wednesday afternoons, I am out of the classroom for Planning, Preparation and Administration time. During this time the learning will be PE and RE or Spanish.


The spring term is the time in year 6 when we start to prepare for the May SATs. SATs will take place between Monday 12th May 2024 – Thursday 15th May 2024 so please avoid booking any time off school during this week and in the case of illness, children are still able to sit SATs up to one week after the official SATs week. We are beginning to look at techniques and strategy in answering some of the questions – but this is being done so with a positive and upbeat attitude so we are boosting confidence and the children are responding really well to this. We are doing a little and often approach so the heart of teaching and learning remains much the same.