
Welcome to Foxes Class Page
Year 3

Miss Griffith

Class Teacher- Monday and Tuesday

Miss Guy

Class Teacher- Wednesday, Thursday andFriday

Mrs Shorter

Teaching Assistant

Miss Hambleton

Teaching Assistant

Miss Thornton

PPA Cover - Monday PM

Class Information


Stone Age


Throughout terms 1 and 2 we will be learning about ‘the Stone Age to the Iron Age’.  We kicked off our topic last week with an exciting visit from Hands on History! The children got to observe Miss Guy being dressed up in Stone Age clothing and then they made a human timeline through history, using artefacts from key periods to bring it to life. We finished the session by considering how people may have communicated during the Stone Age period by devising our own way of signing messages to each other.


In our History lessons, through asking the question, ‘Why did people start to farm?’ Foxes will be finding out about the changes that occurred through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will be focussing on settlements, ways of life, how people survived as well as learning how Historians find out about life in this period of time.


In Geography, we will be learning focusing on Wivelsfield School,conducting fieldwork, making maps of the school with keys, taking surveys and using grid references.


In art, we have already created some batik art using wax and dye. Later in the term, we will be looking at dying using natural materials. In Science we are exploring plants, their lifecycle and seed dispersal. The children started to look at this during their forest school sessions and will continue in class.




Homework will be set on Google Classrom on a Friday and due the following Friday.

Homework will consist of:

  •          Spellings
  •          TTRS or Maths Shed
  •          Daily reading which needs to be recorded in reading logs at least once a week
  •          Optional: A wider curriculum activity suggestion



PE will take place on Tuesday's and Friday's. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit on these days. As always, long hair must be tied up and earrings to be taped or removed on the day of PE, along with removing any jewellery or watches.

This term Tuesday's PE will be Netball with Miss Griffith and Friday's PE will be football with Mrs Diack.



Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon is our Planning, Preparation and Assessment time. During the year, the children will have a weekly PE session with Mrs Diack and have RE or Spanish with Miss Thornton.


General Reminders

-          Please ensure your child brings their reading record and reading book to school each day.

-          Please ensure your child has a water bottle each day.

-          Fruit is not provided in KS2 so please ensure you child brings a healthy snack to school if they require one in the mornings (no food containing nuts).