
Welcome to Foxes Class Page
Year 3

Mrs K Lowries

Class Teacher- Monday and Tuesday

Miss Guy

Class Teacher- Wednesday, Thursday andFriday

Mrs T Reed

Teaching Assistant

Monday - Friday

Miss Hambleton

Teaching Assistant


Miss Thornton

PPA Cover - Monday PM

Class Information



History Topic Term 3 – The Romans

Throughout Term 3, we will be learning about the Romans through asking the question ‘Why did the Romans invade and settle in Britain?’ During this topic, focussing on British History, the children will investigate life in Ancient Rome, analyse the reasons for the Roman invasion of Britain, what made their army so successful and how the Celts responded. Finally, the children will learn about legacy of the Roman invasion in Britain and why it was so significant. The children will be pleased to show off some of their learning in our class assembly and will have the opportunity to handle artefacts and see real life mosaics when they take a trip to Fishbourne Roman Palace on 6th February. In Art this term, we will be exploring why and how the Romans made mosaics. Each child will then create their own mosaic thinking about colour and pattern. You’ll be able to see some of these at our class assembly! Following this, we’ll be looking at the artist Edvard Munch and creating a mixed-media piece of art based on one of his famous paintings (The Scream).



In English this term, our writing will be inspired by the book ‘Boudica’s Army (I was there)’ by Hilary Mckay. We have been learning about using pronouns, adverbs and conjunctions and over the next two weeks will be writing explanation texts about Boudica’s rebellion when the Celts fought the Romans. We will also be writing diary entries in role as a Roman Soldier and turning a playscript based on the book into a narrative by learning how to write and punctuate dialogue.



In Maths this half term, we will be continuing to learn about multiplication and division. We will learn to use multiples of 10 when calculating, reason with multiplication and then move on to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1- digit number. The children will learn to link multiplication and division and to divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with and without remainders. Following this, we will move on to a new topic on length and perimeter. During Term 4, the children will work on fractions and learn about mass and capacity.


Geography Topic Term 4 – Antarctica

 Next half term, our topic is Geography focused and over the course of the half term, the children will be trying to answer the question: Who lives in Antarctica? The children will learn about the lines of latitude and longitude, and describe the global climate zones. Through learning about the human features of Antarctica, the children will begin to understand how humans can adapt to a particular place. They will complete fieldwork by planning and carrying out an expedition around school using a simple route and compass points.



 Children will read their reading book each week to an adult and will read as part of our guided reading sessions where we explore a range of diverse texts. We encourage children to also read for pleasure, discuss books they are reading and share with the class.



PE continues to be on a Tuesday and Friday. This term, the Tuesday PE is netball with Mrs Lowries and the Friday lesson will be gymnastics with Mrs Diack.  Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit on these days. As always, long hair must be tied up and earrings to be taped or removed on the day of PE, along with removing any jewellery or watches.


Homework will continue to be set on a Friday with spelling tests the following Friday. Whilst it is sometimes difficult to fit in homework into a busy schedule, the opportunity to practise what we are learning in class really boosts the children’s confidence and sense of achievement in the classroom.

Homework will consist of:

  •          Spellings
  •          TTRS or Maths Shed
  •          Daily reading which needs to be recorded in reading logs at least once a week
  •          Optional: A wider curriculum activity suggestion


Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon is our Planning, Preparation and Assessment time. During the year, the children will have a weekly PE session with Mrs Diack and have RE or Spanish with Miss Thornton.


General Reminders

-          Please ensure your child brings their reading record and reading book to school each day.

-          Please ensure your child has a water bottle each day.

-          Fruit is not provided in KS2 so please ensure you child brings a healthy snack to school if they require one in the mornings (no food containing nuts).

Key dates:
Thursday 23rd January 2025– Class assembly at 9:10am
Fishbourne class trip – Thursday 6th February 2025