
Welcome to Hedgehogs Class Page
Year 1
 What It's Like Having a Hedgehog as a Pet - Caring for a Pet Hedgehog

Miss Emily Faull

Hedgehogs Class Teacher

Mrs Geraldine Murtagh

Teaching Assistants

Key Information

Monday and Friday
Your child will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on a Monday and Friday. Please make sure that your child has tracksuit bottoms and a jumper for colder weather.
Each child has been given a reading folder which contains their reading record, a reading book and a library book chosen by your child. They will need to bring their reading folders to school with them each day. Reading books are changed on Mondays and library books on Tuesdays. Please encourage your child to read at home every day and make a note of the book they have read and any comments in their reading diary.  It is beneficial to ensure that your child reads and re reads the books they take home to help them build fluency and support them with words that they found tricky reading the first time round. 
Key Words
Your child will have Key Word Bookmarks related to our phonics scheme - Little Wandle. These will be pinned to the back of your child's reading record. Your child will learn and practice their Key Words throughout our weekly teaching. Once your child is able to confidently read the Key Words,  we will then move them on to the next bookmark. It would be great if you could practice these with your child when reading with them. 
Homework will be sent out on a Friday on Google Classroom. The homework sheet contains a summary of the Maths learning we have been doing that week and also a list of words containing the phonics sounds we have been learning. You could practice these at home with your child and send in any extra work to showcase in class if you wish.
Each Friday morning we will be doing a spelling quiz. This will be based on the spellings set on edshed each week.

Our Learning

The Three Little Pigs - Read aloud in fullscreen with music and sound  effects!
Houses & Homes
Term 1

We begin the term by looking at the book The Three Little Pigs, where we will be re-telling the story and then writing our own version. We will then go on to read The Jolly Postman, where our focus is letter writing, and we will learn about what we need to include when writing a letter. For our Geography learning we will be going on a village walk and we will be mapping out the route we take. We will also be learning about all of the different types of houses. This topic is heavily Science based as we begin our learning about materials. We will look at the properties of different materials and investigate which material will be strong enough to stop the wolf blowing the little pigs’ house down.