
Badgers - Year 5

Mrs K Green

Year 5 Teacher, SLT, English Lead

Mrs James

Teaching Assistant

Monday-Friday mornings

Term 3 & 4
WW2 and the Alps
Vikings - What was the impact of WW2 on people?
The Alps - What is life like in the Alps?
Key Information:
PE Days - Monday and Wednesday

This year we are not providing reading records. However, children should still be reading daily, preferably with an adult. Please see below for a list of recommended books to read throughout year 5 - how many can you read before the end of year 5.

Badgers will come to school wearing their PE Kit on their PE days - Monday and Wednesday. They can leave their PE shoes in school in a clearly named bag which can be left on their peg, if you would prefer they have a more robust shoe for walking to/from school and their playtimes. PE will be both inside and outside, so if the weather is drizzling, please can they bring a lightweight raincoat. They can wear jogging bottoms and a hoody in colder weather too. 

If your child wears earrings to school, they must be able to remove and replace them themselves or not wear them to school on a PE day please and these should only be gold studs. If they have newly pierced ears, your child must provide and use their own earring tape to cover them during the session. Long hair should be tied up the whole time whilst at school.

Children must bring in their coats during the Autumn and Spring Term when the weather is colder. It would  be much appreciated if all items of clothing has your child’s initials or names on them to ensure that if indeed they are misplaced then can be quickly returned to their owner.

Water Bottles:
Children need a bottle of water (NOT squash) every day to be kept in the classroom, this should be separate to their lunch drink and clearly named. Children will be able to refill their bottle from the taps in the classroom. Children will be reminded to take these home daily to be washed.
Homework will be set via Google Classroom and should be submitted either on paper or online. It will be set on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday 9am. Paper copies of homework will also be sent home.
Homework will typically consist of:
Spelling Practise
Maths - usually an activity on MyMaths
TTRS (Times Table Rocks Stars)
Topic OR English Based Activity (sentence level work/grammar/reading) See homework grid for each term.