
Welcome to Robins!

Mrs Awcock

Class Teacher

Monday - Wednesday

Miss Hughes

Class Teacher

Wednesday - Friday

Mrs Sturgess

Teaching Assistant

Monday-Friday - all day
Wednesday- PPA cover

Miss Cook

INA: Individual Needs Assistant


Mrs Furgeson

INA: Individual Needs Assistant


Mrs Keast

PPA Cover

Wednesday mornings

Key Information


Please check your e-mails for your Tapestry login details so you will be able to see all the exciting learning and adventures your child has been up to!  It’s also a great chance for you to share anything fun you’ve been up to! Thank you to all the parents who have already activated their accounts.  Information and messages will often be sent out via Tapestry, so please log in regularly.  Please contact Miss Hughes is you are having issues logging on.


Spare Clothes

We love to embrace any creative opportunities that may spontaneously appear to us; therefore, we would like all children to have the following items in school at all times:

  • A pair of wellies
  • A coat
  • A sunhat
  • A spare set of clothes, underwear and socks/tights (this can be kept in a bag on their peg).

Please ensure all items of clothing are clearly named.


Water bottles

Please could all children bring into school a named water bottle, as it’s important that they can access water throughout the day. Their water bottles should contain water; we often have accidents in the classroom and squash and juice can cause problems with stains and sticky damage to the furniture and carpet.



The children are entitled to one piece of free fruit everyday as well as a free milk (until the age of 5).  We will offer this snack in the morning as well as the afternoon.  However, your Robin is welcome to bring in their own healthy, low sugar snack instead.  This could include: a piece of fruit/vegetable or crackers.


Nut Free School

We are a nut free school so please do not include any food (in your child’s lunch box or snack) that contains nuts for example peanut butter, Nutella or cereal bars containing nuts.  If food containing nuts is consumed before school, please ensure hands and faces are washed and teeth brushed.  This is due to a severe air borne nut allergy within school. 


Long hair

Please could long hair be worn up at school to ensure the children are safe.


Reading books, Reading records and Key Words folder

The children will be sent home with a reading pack containing a reading book(s), reading record and any other key information.  Please ensure this reading pack is in your child’s book-bag every day.

Initially, the children will be given books which do not have words in them.  These books are key to helping the children understand how to use the images to develop their understanding of the story, their story-telling skills and use of vocabulary.  Please read with your Robin as often as you can.  It is good practise to read the same book a few times as this supports your child’s literacy skills.


Reading books will be collected every Friday morning and then changed and handed out on Friday afternoon.  Don’t forget to write a short comment in their Reading Record so we know how they got on. 

As the half-term progresses, Key Word bookmarks will be attached to your Robin’s reading record book.  This will contain words that your child is learning at the moment during Phonics sessions such is Tricky Words and High Frequency Words. The bookmarks will be checked weekly at school and new bookmarks will be added when your child can display a confident and immediate recollection of the words.

 Library books - In addition to borrowing a school reading book, the Robins will be able to choose their own school  library book to share with you at home.  This will help to develop the children’s love of reading.  It is important that your child sees you reading, so please read as much as possible together.  Library books will be collected on Thursday morning.



P.E. The first session with be on Tuesday 1st October

Robins will have PE on Tuesday morning Please come to school in your P.E. kit and trainers.  P.E. kit should include a green t-shirt and white shorts. As the weather gets colder, the children will need to bring in long tracksuit bottoms (black or grey) and wear their school jumper/fleece, as we will continue to use our superb field for as many sessions as possible. All items of clothing must be clearly labelled.  


Star Moments

In Robins we are full of superstars who have lots of fantastic moments both at school and at home. We would love to hear all about the magic moments and achievements they have at home, so we have included some star moments sheets for you to fill in and send back.  We will then celebrate these moments and share them with the class. If you run out of star moments please mention this in your child’s reading record or ask us at the end of the day and we can provide you with more or pop over to our Robin Class page on the school website.  Star moments can be used to celebrate any aspects of your child’s progress (e.g. independently dressing for school, helping with something at home, showing an eagerness to read, helping look after a sibling etc.)


Show and Tell

Children are welcome to share awards or achievements from outside school activities.  Show and Tell will be built into our topic learning groups and you will be informed as to what your child will need to bring in and when.


Robin of the Week

Every Friday, one child from each class is awarded the ‘Robin of the Week’.  This is awarded for amazing effort, achievement, progress or development. The child receives a certificate which they keep and Rosie the Robin, who they are asked to look after until the following Thursday when they should return it to school.  



Volunteers are hugely beneficial and much appreciated; if you have any time to help in class we would be most grateful.  We are particularly looking for volunteers to help listen to children read during the afternoon sessions, please let us know if you have any availability.  If you feel you might be able to support us with our topic learning, please contact Miss Hughes or Mrs Awcock.

Daily routine - The Robins will use the KS1 gate at 8:40am and be collected at 3:15pm from the rear of the classroom. 
Daily - Please bring your book bag, reading pack, coat and water bottle into school everyday.  Please ensure long hair is tied back.
Please read with your Robin as often as you can.  It is good practice to read the same books a few times as this supports your child's fluency, comprehension and literacy skills.


Autumn Term

In Robins, our curriculum and provision is often led by the children’s interests and hobbies. Our weekly learning focuses on a Key Text which links to our half-term topic.  Using rich texts helps build the children’s literacy skills and love of books as well as making direct links to other areas of the curriculum.  Our first topic for the Autumn term will be ‘All About Me. Through this topic the children will discover more about themselves, their bodies and emotions as well as sharing about their family and feeling as part of the school community.  After half-term, our topic will change to “Celebrations” when we explore birthdays, Diwali, Fireworks Night and Christmas.  Please see the Robins Class page on the school website for more information and our enquiry web which outlines our topic in more detail.



Child Initiated Learning
"Own Learning Time"
Play is one of the main ways in which children learn and develop. It helps to build self worth by giving a child a sense of his or her own abilities and to feel good about themselves.  It also encourages their imagination and communication skills in addition while giving them time to process and consolidate literacy and maths concepts.
The Early Years Foundation Stage framework is broken down into 7 key areas of learning:
  1. Communication and Language, 
  2. Personal, Social and Emotional Development, 
  3. Physical Development, 
  4. Literacy, 
  5. Mathematics, 
  6. Understanding the World,
  7. and Expressive Arts and Design.
Our classroom environments support the learning of these key areas with carefully thought out activities and resources aimed to simulate and inspire learning, creativity, independence and social skills.  
Small Group Learning
"Fruit Groups"
The children also have the opportunity to learn with an adult within a small group.  This allows the adults to focus on the children's needs and abilities, providing constructive feedback and reassurance while learning, developing and strengthening key skills together.