
Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact


Computing Intent

Through our computing curriculum we aim to give our pupils the disciplinary knowledge that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way. This will be delivered through the teaching of the substantive knowledge in the national curriculum. We want our pupils to be able to operate in the 21st century workplace and we want them to know the career opportunities that will be open to them if they study computing. We want children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We want the use of technology to support learning across the entire curriculum and to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to every child in an ever-changing digital world. Not only do we want them to be digitally literate and competent users of technology but through our computing science lessons we want them to develop creativity, resilience and problem-solving skills by learning how to be ‘computational thinkers’. We want our pupils to have a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens.


Computing Implementation

Our progression of substantive and disciplinary knowledge allows the children to develop the depth of their knowledge and skills over their time at Wivelsfield Primary School. This progression map allows teachers to be able to adapt the plans to their individual classes and learning journeys. Through employing cross-curricular links, children are more motivated to embed the learning from discrete computing lessons.

The Computing curriculum has been designed to create a balanced coverage of computer science, information technology and digital literacy. Alongside developed children’s experience in all the 3 strands, the knowledge and skills taught will become increasingly more complex and specific as children’s progress through KS1 and KS2.

Through the guidance of ‘Education for a Connected World’ we teach our pupils about online safety using concept cartoons via Project Evolve. The strands from this are taught throughout the year. Teachers are also able to use the resources should a particular issue relevant to their class occurs.  

In addition:

  •         A detailed knowledge and skills progression map developing knowledge from R- Y6
  •         3 laptop trolleys, which can be utilised in the mornings for cross curriculum purposes
  •         Digital leaders to support learning across the school
  •         Monitoring and training to ensure teachers are confident and knowledge in material
  •         A reflective approached to standards achieved against the planned outcomes and flexibility to adapt learning


Computing Impact

Children are able to demonstrate their progress in Computing across the curriculum; they will be able to understand and use the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including logic, algorithms and data representation. They will be reflective and resilient to manage problems and problem-solve using technology.

We encourage our children to enjoy and value the curriculum we deliver. We will constantly ask the ‘why’ behind their learning and not just the ‘how’. We want learners to discuss, reflect and appreciate the impact computing has on their learning, development and well-being.

Finding the right balance with technology is key to an effective education and a healthy life-style. We feel the way we implement computing helps children realise the need for the right balance and one they can continue to build on in their next stage of education and beyond. We encourage regular discussions between staff and pupils to best embed and understand this.

The way pupils showcase, share, celebrate and publish their work will best show the impact of our curriculum. We also look for evidence through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills digitally through tools like Google Classroom, our class computing journals and observing learning regularly.

Progress of our computing curriculum is demonstrated through outcomes and the record of coverage in the process of achieving these outcomes.

Keeping Children Safe Online
The internet is an amazing resource but it is important we protect children and educate them on how to safely navigate the internet and what to do if they encounter anything they shouldn't. 
For more information on keeping children safe online please follow the below links.